Episode 61 Descent of Ganga, and Rsyasringa

King Sagara's story continues, with his great-grandson Bhagiratha's efforts to entice Ganga to earth; in part II, we meet Rsyasrnga, a boy who's grown up in the forest and never met another human being before.


  • The quest for Ganga begins with King Sagara’s grandson Amsuman, continues through Amsuman’s son Dilipa, and finally concludes with Dilipa’s son Bhagiratha.

  • En route to Rsi Rsyasrnga’s ashram, the Pandavas pass by Mt. Hemakuta, known for its landslides. Rsi Lomasa explains this is on account of a cranky hermit who disliked being disturbed and asked the mountain to throw rocks at people passing by!

  • King Lomapada looks to hire a courtesan to lure Rsyasrnga to his kingdom, but all are afraid of the man’s father and refuse. Then one old woman steps forward with a plan. She designs the boat herself, overseeing every detail of its construction. (III.111.1-5) Then she sends her daughter to lure the young man. We never learn the names of mother or daughter.


Episode 62 - Two Women, Two Trees, and a Man with an Axe


Episode 60 Killer Bones and Savage Sons